Watchman's Clapper Blog

Hello World!

Posted in Introduction by watchmansclapper on January 22, 2009

This is my blog and website. My name is HIM Yao Sui. Officially by China’s history and by the installation of Chou Shun Cheong in 1644, I am China’s official emperor today. There are no other legal and legitimate succession holders to the throne of China as this line of succession, my family’s succession, is China’s official succession coming out of the last days and ending portion of the Ming Dynasty (the last indigenous or Han-Chinese dynasty) as a continuous and court installed succession.

By the history of China and from its early beginnings, only Han-Chinese were permitted to rule China. China was conquered only twice in its ageless four thousand year history. Once by Mongolians and a second time by Manchurians.

Greed and the lack of laws promoted man’s inhumanity to man. Rather than being civil, people took what they could irregardless of who owned what and irregardless of the consequences that their actions had on humanity and others.

We live in a, sometimes, barbaric world, sometimes lawless, where both God and humanity is cast aside for another loaf of bread or bowl of rice to eat. Booty not earned by the labors of one’s hands for it is easier to take, rather then to toil in the fields. It is easier to take, from another man’s family, if no laws existed or were enforceable and you were the stronger or more powerful figure.

From the very day of my birth until August 2, 1990, I was in my ignorance and I fully believed in every good thing in life. In the tooth fairy, in Santa Clause, that life is always upright, and that man should be obedient to every righteous principle and to God. As we grow and get older, sometimes, we discover that life just isn’t that way.

If I had any enemies or dislikes, it would be the evils of this world and people who refuse to act properly in the interest of goodness and the standards set by God. I try to always be a good man, compassionate, kind, loving, caring, and just. Yet, there are people in this world who hate me and desire to kill good men.

We, Westerners, sometimes, are no better and, sometimes, we are bombastic and quite destructive of society and men. If there is anyone who is good it would be people who are trying their best to follow and obey the standards of God.

We demonize others, lie about them, and slander other people to gain an illegitimate advantage. By our carnal nature or system, we are wrong. If a man be evil, blasting him may be the only to change the existing order and to get rid of a crook. If a man be good, he should not be attacked for the good of society.

In a democracy, people vote, people chose and decide. In a kingdom, it is the king who decides. In a theocracy, it is God who rules.

And with respect to kingdoms, if a king is wise and obedient to God, if a king is a good, according to the Holy Scriptures, the people will rejoice.

Being king over a heathen lot versus being king over a Christian lot (true Christian lot) is vastly different. The Christian king in a heathen world would most likely bid the heathen world (good bye) and would leave in good stead. The Christian king in a rebellious (Christian) world would walk away and not be a part of hypocrisy and this world’s evils. A Christian king in a truly good and upright Christian nation would rejoice at the opportunity that God has led him to and would most certainly, with love in his heart and admiration for God and for upright people, make every effort to provide good leadership.

In the temporal world, kings rule to provide order or for their own personal gain. Some kings rule because they feel that they have a right to rule, even if their authority was gotten through undemocratic means.

Good kings listen to the will of God and to the dictates of the people. Evil kings are lawless and they create the laws that people now must live by. A crooked king builds a crooked castle. A good king gains the blessings of God.

And by their works, you shall know them.

If one was a scholar and paid attention to country reports and journals. If one was not biased and read everything that he could on the subject to educate himself, analyzing political movements as well as taking an in depth look at the history of nations, one might learn more and even be better in one’s perspective than working professionals in the field. Not always, but this does happen.

We demonized Saddam in an effort to defeat him and this man, being a lawyer, had always acted within Iraq’s laws as well as within international laws. We said that he killed millions of his own people, when the number was only 13,000 and killed in the process of upholding Iraqi laws. We said that he was barbaric, evil, cruel, and mean. We cited dozens of dangerous chemicals that he had, when he only, possibly, had one.

In order to govern a country in the Middle East, during the time of Saddam, you would have to do everything that Saddam did. And for all of you efforts, you would need to be paid as he was and even have many palaces or residences for security purposes.

What the Western media did not publish was that Saddam and the people of Takrit were Hebrews and not descendants of Ishmael. According to every unbiased and observant country report, Saddam governed his country very well and even Jews were well-treated in Iraq. Far better than in any other Arab nation.

It is not necessarily he who reads that leads, but he who subscribes to what is upright and avoids clouding his head and mind. It is this person who gains wisdom and knowledge, working and true knowledge, of this world’s mechanics.

In the summer of 1990, due to police beatings and false arrests as reported to President George H.W. Bush, I was given direct access to the White House as the President was concerned with my safety and welfare.

In the fall of 1990, when Saddam invaded Kuwait in a policing action, just as we would also do to other nations, I negotiated and achieved Saddam’s agreement that he would withdraw from Kuwait with possible assurances from the Bush White House which was never forthcoming.

The 1991 war against Saddam by our nation was both wrong and illegal. There were no legal grounds that we had for taking military action against Iraq and our basis lay in our beliefs and unfounded accusations. And we continually and repeatedly heard President Bush, Senior, making the statement that Saddam had committed an act of naked aggression, when that was most certainly not the case. Congress approved of Bush’s actions (in spite of my protest and and many letters) and our nation went to war with Iraq based on Saddam’s having weapons of mass destruction. In the process, we murdered approximately 1.2 to 1.4 million innocent Iraqis.

I wrote many letters to Congress, based on my readings of country and intelligence reports and Congress turned a blind eye to my letters and went with so called “experts” in Washington DC who had advised them. By 2003, if not before, almost everyone in Congress knew what we had done and were aware of the cost of repairing the damage not only in dollars, but in terms of a loss of prestige to our nation in the eyes of the world.

Clinton continued the Bush war policies as he saw domestic matters as being more important. I wrote to President Bill Clinton, who had his secretary call me, one year out of office, to say that he would get back in touch with me.

I wrote to Bush Junior and his father had advised him to walk cautiously with me (in other words not to cross or do evil to me). Yet, under President George W. Bush, Junior, the Iraq War was continued in spite of Saddam possessing no WMD and never was in violation of UN Resolutions (legal and acceptable resolutions, rather than those secured through outright lies, fabrication, and fraud).

In order to correct the wrongs of the Iraq War, our nation would need to make a public admission of wrongdoing, apologize to the people of Iraq, and set things aright (like we do in American law) by restoring Iraq to the condition that it was formerly in prior to the war.

How do you reconcile two million innocent deaths based on a lie and the intentional fabrication of facts done by our government at the United Nations in a criminal effort to secure UN Resolutions to legitimize our war? The right way and Christian way to end this war is to make an open apology to Iraq and to the world and to compensate those who were wronged by our actions. And to restore order to the nation of Iraq and restore Iraq to the same condition that she was in prior to our illegal and murderous actions. That’s how this war should be ended, legally, and by the standards of God.

I wrote to Obama and he and his people have dulled their minds and have refused to come to terms and grips with the truth. To do what is right by God for Obama, who is a supposed Christian, and for Axelrod, who is a Jew, just wasn’t what they wanted to do. To become unpopular, to stand with God, and to possibly lose an election just didn’t sit right with them. God (the very honorable, upright, and very holy deity) is thrown under the bus and sacrificed, by Obama and Axelrod, as were two million innocent Iraqis and 4,000 to 5,000 US soldiers.

Obama and his top people, I best believe, do know right from wrong and they do know that this war, the Iraq War of 1991 and 2003 as well as 11 years of sanctions, is illegal on our nation’s part. They have refused to speak to me as well as refused to come to terms with the truth of this illegal and murderous American war in the carriage of their US Constitutional duties and sworn oath. Someone lacking integrity? An illegal US President and his top people, perhaps?

So, with all of this happening and my story never being published by our nation’s newsmedia organizations, what does a Chinese king (Hebrew king and China’s emperor in exile) do?

My answer is that we should always live by the laws of God and be obedient to him, who we worship, and to always stand against evil. For if we do nothing about evil, evil then will always flourish!

Perhaps, one day our nation will wake up. Perhaps, one day the media will publish the truth. Or, perhaps, it never will.

And then, again, may be not.

The real truth about the Iraq War and many other things have never been published. Evil people in our own government were responsible for the John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior, Robert F. Kennedy, and related assassinations. Evil people in our government and private sector were responsible for 9-11. And the real truth behind Barack Obama has never been published by our media in their error. Such, though, is well-known and has been published on the Internet.

Perhaps, one day our nation will wake up. Perhaps, one day the media will publish the real story. Perhaps, by then, it might be too late.

And then, again, perhaps, it might not.

I think that it would take a good President, someone with knowledge, experience, and qualifications, someone who is basically and fundamentally upright and sound, someone who knows the score and is willing to abide by good, godly, and solid principles, to lead our nation and to reform the wrongs of the Bush-Clinton-Obama era.

Perhaps, someone like this may one day come along.

I truly do hope so and I hope to be in China in 2009 or thereafter to reform China and to make China into a good and upright partner to any nation who seeks to practice that which is upright in the eyes of God. Miracles do happen, but only if we, people, try. To wait and to do nothing (as many modern day born-again Christians are doing) is sheer folly for it is the bastion of those who are blind and do not see or know the true God!

There is a difference in being king versus pretending to be one.

                                                                                                                                HIM Yao Sui, officially Emperor of China.
                                                                                                                                Iraq War negotiator 1990-91.

My first day on wordpress as “Watchman’s Clapper” was on January 22, 2009. My first day back and posting or editing is on July 18, 2009.

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